went to simcoe or norfolk? for a baking/sleepover/dinner/scene it? party. let the pictures speak for themselves.

let the handicrafts begin ... or time for cleanup?

i am told i must have a sick mind for making this. but in my defense the man in the shorts needed a woman in a bikini ... for the beach, people, just the beach.

group picture!!!

tray of love. sugar. blood. sweat. and tears ...

the alien cookie gets a special mention. at least we are prepared for E.T coming back.
i did find out this weekend, though, that i have been lacking a little in my childhood. no santa claus. no easter bunny. no curious george. no beauty and the beast. very little disney experience. as such horrific at Scene it? the disney edition. maybe i will have to dedicate part of my Christmas holidays to catching up.
anyways, coming home this morning i had a shower, coffee, lunch and then watched the Mighty Ducks. the movie. i mean while i was failing miserably at decorating cookies the sens were failing miserably at winning hockey games. but i am too tired to actually care right now. as such, no comments. well, mcgrattan deserves a special mention for all the fights he has fought so far. i mean if you can't win a game, at least we can stand tough, or pretend to be more than a bunch wussies.

also enjoyed knowing the fact that the staal brothers have a Dutch heritage. i mean if you ain't Dutch you ain't much ... i guess that means i will have to cheer them on a bit, but not at the expense of the sens, there is still a lot of love there, despite the sad looking scoreboards. go dutch go! go sens go!
work is calling my name. and since i have not been kidnapped or eaten by large apes i have no excuses. thus, here she goes ... again.
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