Saturday, December 25, 2010

Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!

Let earth receive her King!

Wishing you a blessed Christmas!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


A blogger no more.

Or so it seems.

I have had my moments as a blogger, or as a human being with an incessant need to share semi-useless information on the webernets, but lately those moments have been few and far between. I always held the theory that the busier life, the more posts. This is not to say that I haven't been busy lately, well ... again, I have my moments. But now that winter is officially upon us, I am unemployed, yet again.

Alas. Such is life. Apparently.

I have been doing a lot of extracurricular reading, and have become somewhat of a domestic queen. I can manage to extract some positives from my somewhat failed non-career.

Ha. Anyways, if you were wondering, I am alive and well!

Sunday, September 05, 2010


"swim out to the ocean, drown your thoughts out at sea, and dip your hands in the water, the same deep water as me"

this song by I am Kloot has been stuck on repeat. by no mistake.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Rainy Days and Endless Playlists.

It is easy to think of good things.

Be Back Soon!

Monday, July 12, 2010

High Highs, Low Lows

It has come, and it has gone. Just as our hopes swung up, they came down. If you were a Spain supporter from the get go (ie. the beginning of the qualifying games) then congratulations, otherwise, make sure you send a thank you card to Mr. Webb.

The better team won, but an Oranje celebration will be upon the world in the future. I am sure of it!

Anyways, the job search is still going monumentally slow, even though I have finally joined the twitter ranks (again, I should add). You can find me as "ajoblessredhead" if you must follow. Still, not giving up!

This past weekend, we went to the Holstein Rodeo. It is an annual event, and this is the third time we went! (If you look just a few posts down, you can see pictures from last year) Even though the rodeo doesn't change much over the years (or the clown's jokes), it was a great time in the sun this time! Unfortunately, we did not have the best view, so I did not take very many pictures, but did snap this shot, he specifically posed for me on this one:
At night, the concert featured several artists, but the highlight was definitely Emerson Drive. Not only can they sing/play, they are also nice to look at. Actually, as I was listening to the song "Moments" again, I remembered a man that I once talked to on the street in Ottawa (when we were distributing Bibles, with Soup and Socks), who talked about his life as a child and serving as an altar boy, who, as it were, has had his moments.

Just recently I came across this article about finger length ratios and athletic ability. I am not a science gal, but this is interesting stuff. I have linked this blog once, or twice before, and may do so again in the future.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

Even though our lawn is decorated in Orange, and all we can think about is tomorrow's Quarter-Final between Brazil and the Netherlands, we stop to say: Hello Canada! You the best!

Until tomorrow ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello World! Won't you listen.

I have been (maybe not so diligently) counting down to the FIFA World Cup, and it is HERE!!! It has been for a while, and I have seen more than a fair share of the games, but the excitement continues as we are almost heading to the round of the final 16. Props to the Dutch team for qualifying first! Our support has been extended from sporting orange jerseys, consuming orange foods, to decorating the front lawn with anything that is orange, including lots of marigolds, or more fitting "afrikaantjes." Even our lion has a "strikje" made out of plastic tablecloth courtesy of the genius that is mom.
Even though England is playing Slovenia, and the United States is playing Algeria at this very moment, my brother and I are glued to the Planet Earth series. Absolutely fascinating. Yesterday I finally went to the library to seek out some entertainment and came home with several books and this DVD. I even decided to bring home Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. I figured that if I think of myself as an economist that I should at least have read this work. At the same time I also picked up a couple of other books I have been meaning to read for a long time, including Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel as well as some work by Ayn Rand. I am even thinking that I should churn out some sort of book review so as to keep myself engaged while reading. No promises though.

Just switched channels. Wow. England. Nice of you to show up for this game.

Hup Holland Hup!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Smoke Clouds from the Country: I am still alive!

Since my last post I have moved back home, which has resulted in a higher car insurance (shock!) and many bruises. This last one is mostly thanks to my sister, and to Sunday night soccer games. In the meantime the Senators were eliminated from the playoffs, as were the Penguins (whoot!). I am also still counting down to the 2010 World Cup, which is now at: 22 days away! The first orange plants have been planted, and we are on the lookout for many more so as to make sure there is a sea of orange present for the month of June. Whoot!

Since my last post I have been doing more of the same: job applications, interviews, and thank you letters. Unfortunately there has not been a job offer and I am continuing to be patient and am considering buying this web address. Very fitting right?

Since my last post there has also been little to no new happenings - so I am signing off! This one was for you dad!

Hup Holland Hup!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

KKK: Koffie, Kruidkoek,en Keane

Somethings you keep a secret and some things you just have to share! So I was eating a slice of kruidkoek with my coffee this afternoon, and I decided that this must be shared. At the end of my last visit in Holland, my oma quickly biked to the bakery to get me some packages of speculaaskruiden, so that at any time I could make my own pepernoten or kruidkoek. I am not baking very much, usually because if I make it, I will be most likely to eat it which does not help my goal of keeping my waistline in check, but today was an exception.

Anyways to prepare a kruidkoek in your English kitchen (which uses cups, hence English) you proceed as follows:

Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of brown sugar, 2.5 teaspoons of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of koekkruiden. Subsequently add 200 mL of milk and 1 egg. Mix well, note that a mixer may not be so handy in this case. You bake this in a loaf pan at about 305F for approximately 45 minutes, although you might want to keep an eye on the time. Being raisinless is a condition I am known to have, so I did not add raisins this time. But to make the loaf a little bit more moist and awesome I would add approximately 1 cup of raisins which have been soaked in water for a while (make sure you drain them before you add them to the dough right before baking). Et voila.

Now I know not everyone has a grandmother who visits the local bakery to obtain the key ingredient for you, but as with anything in life after your grandmother the internets know best! So the mixture should include cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, white pepper, ground cardamom, ginger of sorts. This blogger offers some recipes. So, if you want to try, I say don't delay, start today. Interestingly, I had thought about that line to end a cover letter: "don't delay, call today!" but I may be considered a bit of a chicken.
Even though I have a disappointingly low number of friends in Ottawa who are Senators fans - I don't mind celebrating on my own. Now that win last night was something boys, quite something!
Today I also remembered how much I love Keane, and almost all of their songs.
OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN to the 2010 World Cup: 70 days.
The updated FIFA ranking has also been released today, and the Netherlands continue to occupy the #3 spot. Whoot! Ole, Ole! Can I get a what, what!
Keane - Bedshaped

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Every Once in a While

That is the title of the song I was listening to, and it typifies my recent blogging habits since I finished school, which has been quite a few months already. Since then I have learned that time flies - even when you aren't very busy. My full-time job continues to be finding a full-time job, which has its up and down moments just like any job. My lack of success, despite my low expectations, would make any person depressed: luckily I am not there yet.

Since it has been such a long time since I have finished a post (finished is the key here), it will be another mish-mash of happenings and musings from the last few weeks:

OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN to the 2010 World Cup:
75 days

And to celebrate here is a great historical moment from the 1998 quarter-finals:

I recently came across this article that shared a new perspective on measuring the economy, or GDP. From space.
I am sure that image would look a little bit different during Earth Hour. Which reminds me, today is Earth Hour day. I think I might try to find some candles - even though that will contribute more carbon dioxide emissions. It is the idea, right?

On the Next Nature site I also came across this Essay titled "Real Nature is Not Green" that may be worth a read.

Just before Maya would leave Canada for her hometown in Slovakia we had the chance to attend a Senators game (or a Gaborik game if we are talking from her perspective). This was the first game after the Olympics, and while we had hoped that the pre-Olympic streak would continue - it didn't. It definitely didn't. With a 4-1 loss for the Senators, and a missing Gaborik we were pretty disappointed. Nonetheless, any game is a good game! Right?

Either way, it looks like the team will make it to the playoffs. And after three recent wins, I say bring on the Panthers tonight! GO SENS GO!

I love, love. love this website: Tastespotting. So many fun recipes and pretty pictures - it is sure to make you hungry!

I was watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution last night and it reminded me of this blog that I had come across. I have to admit that I had no idea that elementary kids got breakfast/lunch at school. When I was in elementary school we were fortunate enough to be able to go home for lunch every day, and if we couldn't it was quite special to bring a lunch to school. Nonetheless, lunch was always a whole wheat sandwich with cheese. And I still LOVE sandwiches. Yum!

I have been listening to Paolo Nutini (again) lately, and am loving his new album Sunny Side Up! I also found this tribute. It is available on iTunes to raise funds for research in the detection and treatment of cervical cancer. A worthwhile cause for sure!

There is a million more things I could share, but I am off to make a birthday cake for my lovely roommate. Even though I have not yet decided on a theme, I am sure I can come up with something between now and when I make it down the stairs? Hope so.

Paolo Nutini - Worried Man
Kurt Nilsen - Every Once in a While

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cookies and Other Miscellaneous Items to Mention

I just thought I share a chocolate chip cookie recipe that I found on the internets, one that I memorized and tweaked just a little bit. Here it goes:

Cream together:
1/2 cup soft and unsalted butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
1 1/4 cup of white and semisweet chocolate chips

Bake on a greased cookie sheet for about 10 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Et voila:

I should say these are gut-wrenchingly sweet in my opinion, so if you are like me, you might want to reduce the sugar content a little bit. Actually, I did, and they were still very sweet, so definitely add less sugar maybe?
As for other fun things that I can talk about. Well, there was the teddy bear toss at the Ottawa 67's and Owen Sound Attack game just a week ago. On the way to the game we picked up this lovely teddy and panda puppet. Sadly, the Owen Sound Attack lost the game with just one goal against (the empty net does not count IMO) with only 7 minutes left in the game. But at least we can celebrate that there were many many many teddies tossed that will find their way to a child's arms somewhere in the city. Right!?

And, I never mentioned anything about the Senators - Blue Jackets game that I went to! It was a happy belated birthday present from my brother. It was a completely sold out game, so with lots of people the atmosphere was great! Even though I have been in Ottawa for more than a year, this was only the second game I attended. I know, right?! I think finding a job, generating some income should rectify that situation. If I am still in Ottawa by then ... Anyways, some shots:
I also have not posted a music selection for a long time. But here goes:
Muse - Undisclosed Desires
The Avett Brothers - I and Love and You
Tommy Guerrero and Gadget Enhanced - Mechanisms (Feat. John Gold)

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

At Sea

From my adventures in Holland :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I can't believe I haven't said a single thing since last month, while I should have been celebrating that I am finished school forever!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel ...

One more week of total, complete, 100% effort into writing essays, readings, and studying and then I am DONE!!!!


I think.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Een, Twee, Drie .... Break Over.

Echt leuk:

En weer verder leren ...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Whoot! I resorted to a significant dose of coffee and sugar to make it through the day! It is evening, and I am working! Actually working.

Anyways, one thing is sure, that if I don't make this post, it will never happen. And I have to convince you again that the Holstein Rodeo is well-worth any terrible weather conditions you may have to endure. Last year? Rain. This year? Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold. Basically Saturday was a summation of the weather we have been having so far this summer, it even included rain. I do have a nice sunburn on my shoulders to show for this day.

And some nice shots:
and the Road Hammers:
On a side-note:
Upon a couple of years of data and analysis, it can be determined that the busier I am, the more likely I am to post updates about life. Seeing that the next three weeks are going to be, well, beyond any craziness that I have ever experienced, I have a feeling I will be posting lots as well. I do pre-apologize for the fact that they may simply say "aaah" so as to imply some sort of agony. I will survive.

One final Post Scriptum: what happens to dead tadpoles? I have seen many tadpoles in the pond at home, and I know few of them become frogs, then why don't I see any dead tadpoles?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Just Like a Wavin' Flag

Happy Belated Birthday Canada! Hope it was a nice one! Okay, well I am pretty sure it was, if you were in Ottawa anyways. I do think that at some point in your Canadian lifetime you have to come celebrate in Ottawa. Not for the fireworks though. They are easily rivalled by a small town like Owen Sound. But the rest of the day was pretty rockin'!
We decided to Marathon it on Canada Day. Which made for a long day. Which, believe it or not was not nearly enough time to see everything. You really have to pick and choose things to do, because there is so much stuff happening! But we saw the changing of the guard, the musical rides, the prime minister, the snowbirds, a one song performance by a number of artists, including Sarah Mclachlan and Shane Yellowbird, and even more performances in the afternoon and evening. And wow - so many people! I don't think I have ever seen this many people together before. This was just on Rideau Street, the least busy of the day!
This musical rides show by the RCMP was pretty fantastic. Despite the music cutting out constantly, and having to stand on my tippy-toes to see anything, it was cool to see. Plus the horses they have there are just beautiful!
The stage on Parliament Hill, the lights, and videos were pretty amazing! For a free, outdoor show it was very good! Although I would have to complain about the Canadian Unity Flag someone was flying right in our view of the stage. Which was just as annoying as the people sitting around us, who insisted on smoking in public. Actually, what was also interesting was that the performances were slated to start at 6.30pm. Then, at 6.30 they start a one hour countdown. To the beginning of the show right, so at 10 seconds everyone is up counting down, but at 0, there were no fireworks, but commercials! Whoot! Chicken Farmers of Canada!

Anyways, the performances were great! Ranging from the Canadian Tenors to last year's winner of So You Think You Can Dance Canada, Sarah Mclauglin to the Respectables. Marie-Mai to
Cirque Fantastic Concept. Lots of English, and lots of French! I think one of my favourite performers was probably K'naan. He had the whole audience sing along to his song Wavin' Flag. Plus they were so good live! His first perfomance even included the trampolines, and a dancers!

Shane Yellowbird! He was singing his song Pick Up Truck to which we loudly sang along. There was not nearly enough country music, but still. Whoot! Country! I think I will get my fill of
country lovin' at the Rodeo next week :D
The snowbirds! my (now tiny) dream of becoming a jet pilot was brought back at the sight of this performance. I remember seeing them in Owen Sound a couple of summers ago, where they did an equally amazing show above Georgian Bay.
and finally, Sarah Mclachlan performed World on Fire, Angel, and Building a Mystery:
Whoot! Canada!

Monday, June 29, 2009

back in time

music (and coffee) have always been great study companions for me, and this time i went a little back in time:

journey - wheel in the sky (1978)

styx - renegade (1978) they are coming to bluesfest!

scorpions - send me an angel (1990)


and i learned that this song was the number one hit the week i was born, interesting development!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Ocean Too Wide

What we would do for a cup of brewed coffee! Our coffeemaker has been giving us serious grief, and since I was using it to try to get back up and running, I was left to my own devices to make an afternoon Cup of Joe. And no one should have to drink instant right?

Yesterday I was at a workshop for job searching procedures in the hidden job market. Anyways, Step 1 of Networking is letting all friends and family know that you are looking for work. So hereby I should let you know that I am job searching. Like real life serious job searching. Yay Me! I hate promoting myself. :S

Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard and Markete Irglova

Sunday, June 21, 2009

[laugh][often] [love][much]

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Love Always.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Blackboard Material

It was probably close to exam period when we had a review session for our research and methods class. We had this class 8.30 on Tuesday mornings, and one of my classmates felt the need to document what we had to live through for the semester. Although looking back at it now, it wasn't that bad. I do have class in a couple of hours, and I better continue my readings on bank failures ... so depressing :S

Song choice: She doesn't Belong to Me - Pete and the Pirates:
"I got up in such a hurry, I'm still stuck inside my dream"

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Doors Open - Open Doors

What a gorgeous day!

It never seized to amaze me, how vibrant a city Ottawa is. We headed downtown today, and first came across the D-Day Ceremonies. Then we had a chance to check out the Arts Court, the former Ottawa jail, the Government Conference Centre, and the Saint John the Baptist
Ukrainian Catholic Shrine. Very interesting stuff! And while we w
ere walking through the Glebe we even came across the New Art Festival. Even though I am not always a big fan of art, it was a very nice show! Anyways, I just thought I share a couple of pictures:

i see this church almost every day, and finally had a chance to see it!

jail - exit sign, which almost looks like it has been written in blood

i think i will go and nurse my blisters now! that is always the problem with the beginning of summer ...

now, some lyrics that i have been enjoying:
"you might say you're pretty,
you might say you're free,
life may be so easy,
love may be so free
you might say you're ugly,
you might say you're chained,
life may be so dreary,
love may be a shame
it's inside your heart lady,
where the battle is won"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

to forget and not to forget [3]

to offer some consistency, and not to forget, i just wanted to dedicate some online space to the life of Poisson Papillon III.

dear betafish, you were with us for a time far too short. and now i am wishing i had captured your fighting spirit on camera, so that this post could be complete with your picture, and the legacy could last into finite time. but alas.

kelly family - why don't you go (i think my roommates might be going crazy with my incessant need to play music by this group. they don't know however, how lucky they are ... had we met two years previous, it would have been westlife)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

just a few shots ...

because pictures are always a good way to share something without really saying anything.

I think BINGO is always good times ...

In mom's garden.

Tulip Festival!

When I was in Hamilton, I had to drive by the old house. And remember Barclay:

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I remember the Kelly Family from way back. This song, however, I had never heard before.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

bring on the sunshine!

i might be sick. and i might be feeling a combination of anger/frustration/stress/anxiety/depression as a result of writing my macroeconomics final. nonetheless the sun was shining and we went down to mooney's bay for the first tennis match of the season! good for my first sunburn of the season also.

but i say, bring on the sunshine!

i have been listening to coury palermo this week, and i have almost decided that he has the best voice i have heard all year. and he can also be heard here.

coury palermo -sunday black

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am studying, I swear!

i was surfing the internets and came across this band, and now i realize why neither the name or the faces are unfamiliar: we used to live around the corner from Arkell, and i used to see some of these guys at school all the time.

great song i thought, the lyrics probably don't sound all that unfamiliar either :P

sooooo not interested in macroeconomic theory ....
in fact i should be having a beer celebrating/mourning the last Senators game of the season! score is tied, 2-2, Go Sens Go for the last period of the season! UPDATE: stupid, stupid game.

neverending white lights (and scott andersen) - i hope your heart runs empty

Friday, April 10, 2009

because it ain't over until the fat lady sings ...

and that is why we went to overtime. and shootouts. and despite taking flack for being an unbelieving and disheartened fan, most senators fans do not bank on a win when the ice is being cleared for the shootout ... despite our history of you know winning the first shootout (if i know my history ... correctly?)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

just a late night thought ...

... it was so much easier to stay up late to work on a project when everyone else was staying up late too.

it is 11:11 and all my roommates are sleeping-ish.

broken strings - james morrison and nelly furtado

Because it is not over until it is really over

So, as the hockey fan as I am, it has been rather disappointing that I have moved to Ottawa, and that I have not even gone to see the Senators play since I have been here. In fact, I have been more likely to see the team play when i lived far away ...

but that is coming to an end,

even though the season is almost done, the team has played their worst season since I have lived in Canada, I am finally going,

and I am super excited !

just thought I would share that.

Now I am going back to write 10 pages of what I would like to think is pure genius. Because maybe if I think it enough, it might magically be just that?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Numbers Game

since I am working with numbers, and more numbers these days, here is an interesting number to throw at you ...

this is from my itunes generated top 25 most played playlist ... so it does not count all the times I was at the computer lab and was streaming music online. you should also know that I downloaded the first song on march 23.


Monday, March 23, 2009


Songs I must remember:

and newest of all
Talk - Ross Copperman

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Psalm 42:5

Maar de Heer zal uitkomst geven,
Hij, die ’s daags zijn gunst gebiedt.
‘k Zal in dit vertrouwen leven
en dat melden in mijn lied;
‘k zal zijn lof zelfs in den nacht
zingen, daar ik Hem verwacht,
en mijn hart, wat mij moog’ treffen,
tot den God mijns levens heffen.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Blof - Mooie Dag

Ik overdacht mijn zorgen en de wereld
En alle keren dat ik wakker lag
Ik besloot
Wat een mooie dag

Saturday, March 07, 2009

because when you are from the countryside ....

.... you usually don't take a taxi.

So when I was the last one to be dropped off at home last night, I had to ask the cab driver if it was custom to give them a tip. The driver's eyes went wide open with surprise when I started my sentence with "This might be a funny question, but I have never taken a cab before and .... "

At least then I had keys to get into my apartment, unlike this morning .... which is a whole other story that won't be told until a later day ...

death cab for cutie - soul meets body

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Ville de Montréal: ma première visite

Despite the driving, the getting lost, and the loads of work on my mind, Montreal was great! While we stayed on an island in Laval, we did make it (although with some difficulty) downtown, and Old Montreal.

Remnant of the Montreal 1967 Expo.

Notre Dame Basilica of Montreal - front of the chapel

St. Joseph's Oratory

On a whole other sidenote I came across this website,, I think if you have ever lived, not alone really, some of the stuff on this website might seem very relate-able. It makes me think of this note I left someone who kept parking in the parking spot ... it is not on the website, so I don't think it was taken very badly. Now if only the person that put their bumper into my car would have left me a note ....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Starry Night

So because of the incoming weather I made a quick decision to drive home to Owen Sound yesterday afternoon. I made it home from school in about 15 minutes packed and ate in half an hour and hit the road. It was by far the most boring and tiring and painful trip I have undertaken. Painful only because I have a terribly sore knee. Given all that though it was also a beautiful night. It was dark and in the middle of Ontario I saw many many stars.

Now, even though I spend all my summers star-gazing, on the trampoline, on the beach, wherever really, I have never seen a falling star. Until last night. It is the middle of the winter, I was on the road, and there was the first falling star I ever seen.

Pretty cool!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the Quebec of Holland

I am working with some individual level data from the 2001 Census of Population, and I am very intrigued by the fact that all the guides to the census specify the group and language "Frisian" separately. Even though it is included under "Netherlandic" languages, I find it weird that it is even considered ... and why does Canada even care?

Out of the Shadows - Matthey Perryman Jones

Ps. Go Sens Go!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"You Gotta Love this City"

After the bus strike, the cold weather, and the drag of school I do now remember why I love this city so much. On saturdaynight we took a free bus to downtown to watch a free concert on the canal, followed by a light show and a walk by the ice sculptures. Despite the freezing cold there was a lot of people out, and we had a great time. Even though our dancing was probably a little sub-par given the boots and amount of clothing we were wearing, we managed to stay pretty warm. And despite the cold the artist and his band managed to stay pretty hot. Just sayin'.
Roch Voisine on stage

listen here (via youtube!)

a projection behind the stage

Happy Family Day!

Go Sens Go!

Monday, February 09, 2009

"can we walk this line together?"

I think once upon a time I wrote an ode to some delightfully scented laundry soap that I bought. Today I will replicate that thought ... well, it is a new lilac scented soap, and I love it. Thought you might want to know.

I should also write an ode to my classmates, without whom I would never make it through school. However, more on that when I graduate :D

2 days of classes until reading week ...

The Kin - Together

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire. Watch it.

Australia. Watch it.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

"find the spark that is buried deep"

to understand how this can make me feel bad somehow ... you should know that in all of highschool the number of days I missed can be counted on one hand, and the number of classes I missed at Mac can be counted on half a hand, and the number of classes missed at Carleton need not be counted ... so when I went to the gym today for my spinning class, you can imagine I was pretty ticked that I pulled a skirt out of my gym bag instead of my shorts. and I could hardly go in my jeans, or the skirt. so I skipped. I know SHAME! (and not because I missed a class, more because I felt so bad about it ... maybe the best therapy for this worry I have should be skipping class for a week?)

matthew perryman jones - out of the shadows.

ps. go sens go?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

all in a day ...

someone just told me today, "if you have to live with it, you might as well find ways to enjoy it" this is obviously referring to winter in Ottawa. now i am thinking of all places in Canada Ottawa is the one to be in in the winter. i mean, there is the canal, there is the canal, and there is the canal. and beaver tails. now, it is already almost february (eek!) and i still have not purchased skates, and despite a non-growing economy, and strict budgeting on my part, i should get some skates, at least i have to try find some second-hand ones. and i should get some people together to go tobogganing ...

now, today has been a long one! currently i am listening to some dutch music via youtube, studying macroeconomic models, and waiting for a movie to load, and carrying on a conversation via MSN, while also keeping an eye on the score of the senators - blues game. the score is 0-0 at this point. what also has been long is the time between my latest blog post and this one ... assuming that i remember to publish my post, or assuming that it is publish-worthy. or not for that matter. but i have been busy. busy procrastinating on life, ie. i have been doing some schoolwork, and i have been paying a lot of attention to the news, and to the latest budget news. definitely some interesting stuff.

today i opted to attend an optional, but recommended, class about DSGE modelling and Matlab. equally interesting stuff. kind of. not really. then i surprised myself by going to study at the library, which was precisely what needed to happen today.

i was about to update the score to 1-0 for Ottawa, but since I am so preoccupied with many things by the time i got around to typing this it is already 1-1. allright, so after the library i went home around 2 to beat rush hour traffic which starts at 2.30 in Ottawa (since the strike, which is finally over i just read on the news). i cleaned out my parking spot with a small shovel and did some groceries. i also picked up some socks for the LOVE Ottawa, a program initiated by our church here in Ottawa. this coming sunday we will be handing out soup and socks in the downtown area, and since my soup does not turn out here like it would back home, so socks it is! i also managed to spend some 70 dollars at the grocery store, and i even bought veggie burgers rather than real ones because for one, they are cheaper, and two, they are significantly more nutritious. no protein speech will make me change my mind about that.

i also watched two documentaries. one about teachers in thailand, and one about migrants from africa coming into yemen. i guess sometimes i am more interesting about learning anything other than economic theory. funny that.

anyways, since a lot of my friends have been completing 30 things about me lists, i am going to see if i can finish one over the weekend. after i complete a labour asssignment that is. still 1-1.

till later!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Virtual Greeting

Happy 23rd Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Friday, January 09, 2009

It is not the curse of Ottawa ...

Although this is not a hockey blog, since hockey is one of my favourite sports I am bound to feel like writing a blog post about it ...

Tonight I actually went to see the other Ottawa hockey team at the Civic Centre, where the Ottawa 67's played the Niagara Ice Dogs. Since I had only ever seen an OHL game in Owen Sound, I was not sure what to expect ... but I like what I saw! Certainly Owen Sound will always be my number one OHL team, but Ottawa will be a close second, and not only because I think their jerseys are awesome. Since the 67's record has not been too bad this season, and they managed a 6-2 win over Pietrangelo's team, I think that means we cannot blame the Senators' lack of a good season on the city, or the weather.

Our seats were also pretty good, right behind the opposing players bench, although it must be said those seats have two drawbacks. One, the stench. Two, the players always stand up when something exciting happens. Also, after seeing the Dance Team at Ricoh Coliseum, for the Toronto Marlies, I thought there couldn't be a worse dance team in sports, well yes there is. The choreography here in Ottawa consists of exactly two moves.

Anyways, the Civic Centre is a rather huge facility for an OHL team, and with more than 8,000 fans in attendance, that is already 4 times as much as Owen Sound has on a good day. And the fans are great. Really great. So I hate to say this, but now that the World Junior Hockey Championships are over, it is best to head over to the Civic Centre for some quality hockey rather than Scotiabank Place, until you know the problems there are sorted ....
Anyways, I think I am going to rank this as worth repeating.
I also learned that Second Cup carries a number of secret beverages, and that London Fog should not be confused with English fog. Although I am sure the waitress/barrista/coffee lady at Second Cup on Bank will remember for evermore my order ...
U2 - Kite
ps. Go Sens Go!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Lesson of the Day

When there is not a lot of snow at the beginning of the winter, and you are at Wal-Mart store, and you see a snow shovel, and you say to your roommate, "Hmmm .... maybe we should get a snow shovel, might be handy" and they say "Nah, we won't need it" then stand still for a second, and buy it!

Because trust me, you will need it, and you will wish you bought it.

Seriously, after Christmas, snow isn't so cute anymore. And neither is the strike.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Back to School Blues

I am back in the City! Back to school tomorrow morning at 8. There still are no buses running, but the canal is OPEN! And Canada still has a chance of winning the World Junior Championship (although I have decided that it might not be so bad, if Canada did not win).

Anyways, the holidays were as eventful as uneventful. But more about that to come!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

"we have the answers ... but what are the questions"

i am pondering the all canadian question: to bring a hockey stick or not to bring a hockey stick?

full moon - black ghosts

Saturday, December 06, 2008

"i've got nothing else to do, but waste this lazy afternoon"

i really wish that was true.

1 more final. 1 more paper. 1 more week. many more late nights, coffees and coffees.