Monday, July 12, 2010

High Highs, Low Lows

It has come, and it has gone. Just as our hopes swung up, they came down. If you were a Spain supporter from the get go (ie. the beginning of the qualifying games) then congratulations, otherwise, make sure you send a thank you card to Mr. Webb.

The better team won, but an Oranje celebration will be upon the world in the future. I am sure of it!

Anyways, the job search is still going monumentally slow, even though I have finally joined the twitter ranks (again, I should add). You can find me as "ajoblessredhead" if you must follow. Still, not giving up!

This past weekend, we went to the Holstein Rodeo. It is an annual event, and this is the third time we went! (If you look just a few posts down, you can see pictures from last year) Even though the rodeo doesn't change much over the years (or the clown's jokes), it was a great time in the sun this time! Unfortunately, we did not have the best view, so I did not take very many pictures, but did snap this shot, he specifically posed for me on this one:
At night, the concert featured several artists, but the highlight was definitely Emerson Drive. Not only can they sing/play, they are also nice to look at. Actually, as I was listening to the song "Moments" again, I remembered a man that I once talked to on the street in Ottawa (when we were distributing Bibles, with Soup and Socks), who talked about his life as a child and serving as an altar boy, who, as it were, has had his moments.

Just recently I came across this article about finger length ratios and athletic ability. I am not a science gal, but this is interesting stuff. I have linked this blog once, or twice before, and may do so again in the future.

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