So because of the incoming weather I made a quick decision to drive home to Owen Sound yesterday afternoon. I made it home from school in about 15 minutes packed and ate in half an hour and hit the road. It was by far the most boring and tiring and painful trip I have undertaken. Painful only because I have a terribly sore knee. Given all that though it was also a beautiful night. It was dark and in the middle of Ontario I saw many many stars.
Now, even though I spend all my summers star-gazing, on the trampoline, on the beach, wherever really, I have never seen a falling star. Until last night. It is the middle of the winter, I was on the road, and there was the first falling star I ever seen.
Pretty cool!
1 comment:
That sounded like a very perfect and beautiful moment, G! Except for the uh...sore knees.
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