tonight the hamilton bulldogs took on the binghamton senators for the second time of the season here in hamilton. and of course tonight was extra special because carey price had come home ... well. maybe he does not like to think that. but i am sure some people might.
the game was rather uneventful ... except for two minutes of 5-on-3, which the senators managed to kill off brilliantly. like ... brilliantly. one of the "bad boys" is shown here. i just can't help but think that he looks so terribly innocent.
and some more shots.
good guys: 
bad guys:
i guess the photo means i don't have to tell you who won the game (in overtime though) but i guess, if these guys are the good guys, except for four nights a year, than i am probably not all that unhappy. but ... laperrier is gone, but d'agostini is in my doghouse now. and considering that the senators have had a lot of injury problems, these guys did pretty good. and i have to admit i am not very good at taking pictures. and so this shot came after the lying flat-on-top-of-each-other moment had passed. but still i think price might have had some colourful words to say to #9. who i would not mind seeing called up anytime in the future.
bad guys:
raine maida - yellow brick road
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