Wednesday, July 23, 2008

exactly what i was wondering: winning or losing?

just over my lunch hour today i was doing some online reading, and came across this article, which basically answered some of my recent questions about the war on terror. it coincides with a conversation i had yesterday as we were watching stoploss, which addressed the issue, well as you can guess of America's stop-loss policy. it was basically a comment my mom made about how there were already so many movies out about the war in iraq, and the war on terror. well, it has been longer than ww1 or ww2. basically, i realized, that we are just plugging along, while there is still a war going on. sure, we remember our fallen soldiers as another CBC segment on the war is on, but really the distance is not only one in terms of kilometres and culture, but even more so in our minds. hardly ever do we hear anything concrete. actually no, let me rephrase: never do we hear anything concrete. and as much as technology supposedly makes the world smaller, imo, there has never been a time where the world has been so disconnected.

anyways, just thought i'd pass on the link.

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