Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"lift up your head, wednesday"

we did not win the dodgeball championship, and instead of moving on in the playoffs had the chance to play trivia instead. there as a team, we won a free pitcher of beer, and a gift certificate, for which we bought more beer. i say that makes us champions anyways. and we can conclude we will always be students first, and athletes second.

on call - kings of leon

the next few weeks are going to be not pretty at all. and after reading this (from Drazen's book "Political Economy in Macroeconomics") i am thinking: how about it ... eh?

1 comment:

Rosalie said...

That is probably the best plan I have ever heard!! It works great for both studet and teacher!! Wow...why don't more teachers (if any at all) think of this plan? I would definitely be in favour and would even lobby the cause...if that makes any sense at all..