Friday, November 07, 2008

to drop or not to drop?


in all of highschool, and all of my undergraduate degree I have never dropped a course. ever.

now, after spending a few weeks in indecision i have decided about 40 minutes before the deadline to drop a course i have spend hours studying for, and even more than hours slaving over an assignment for. it is not that i was failing it, or hating it (not that i would ever post my mid-term grade on the fridge though), but simply a matter of logistics and stress levels. you see, the failing and hating is really directed to a couple of core courses that i simply cannot fail. but i might. thus, after hours upon hours of debate, my mom helped me decide to drop it. thanks mom!

now, since i can't help but feel a little bit like a failure, i need to blog about it, simply to deal with it. and since you are reading this right now, i can't help but share it with you. now, i know most people just drop it, and don't worry about taking an extra semester to finish ... i do. even though i will probably one of the youngest to graduate with my class anyways.

i could probably go on for quite a bit about the program, my frustrations and my failures, but i am going to reserve some of those for the letter i will be writing to the dean/administrator/head person of the program. now, on to finishing an assignment over the weekend.

on a happy note: i finally got my hair cut. fisher knows how to score again. the US presidential elections are over. and it is weekend! and it is good that i made a decision. i think it is much easier to live with a decision than to continually think about having to make it, because there is never enough 40 minute walks home from school to help me.

somehow - jason collett
"and what's worse, i always thought you were stronger"


George van Popta said...

It's not the end of all things, Gesiena. I know from experience. I think your mom gave you good advice. Moms usually do that.

Miss. Scarlett said...

Oh, G. Dropping a course does not make you a failure. It's not like you failed the course.