17 days until 21
23 days until TMLvsSEN
i posted a little bit at the beginning of the summer, after which i realized that the struggle with the internet and the computer was not at all worth it. but now i have my very own highspeed internet connection and my new computer (which still remains nameless)!
i could spend hours to explain what i did this summer, but really there would be nothing too exciting, as i spend the entire time working. no vacations, and only a few short trips. it was fantabulous nonetheless. i had the chance to spend a couple of weeks with my grandmother (oma) and cousins from holland, visit fathom five national park, camping at alconquin park, and tons of bonfires. photo evidence:
on the boat tour.

must ... have coffee ...

church picnic 2007. i must say when i had the chance to take on frouke, i prevailed. luckily no photo evidence exists.

hockey hall of fame, store. may? 2007. the bickering and violence never ends.
fall out boy - thanks for the memories
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