while i was reading the globe and mail from 1979, i came across this picture of levesque i believe. in its original context it was about the referendum on sovereignty, but i just tweaked it a tiny bit to show something a bit more current (ugly picture though ...)
if i had a camera i would have taken some pictures of the earrings i got from my not so secret santa. i am ecstatic about spending sometime away from studying and ... well, you know ... studying. but then there is always the little reminders about more important things in life.
i always joke a bit about my "purposes" and usefulness around here. but in the meantime i have been reading rick warren's "the purpose-driven life" and am glad to be assured that i have some definite purpose. this purpose is outlined under 5 headings: you were planned for God's pleasure, you were formed for God's family, you were created to become like Christ, you were shaped for serving God, you were made for a mission. enough purpose for me then.
Ephesians 1:11 - "in him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will."
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