Friday, October 24, 2008

"let me hit you with some knowledge"

it is friday at last.

this certainly felt like the longest week. and it is only the beginning of a very long weekend. and not that kind of long weekend, sadly. i have a microeconomic theory midterm on monday, and trust me: not fun. depressing to say the least. depressing seems to be a good word to describe the mood, i say this because i was just reading the financial post, and just finished listening to the ottawa-anaheim game. you can easily infer the connections there.

anyways, even though this was a pretty good week, with visitors, dodgeball, coldplay etc. i will conclude it by quoting dickens, "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times ... "

now for some happy reading i will direct you to

and in preparation for tomorrow, i will say GO SENS GO. first game of the season against the leafs, usually i had a party planned for that evening months before ... but this year i will spend it in the halls of a dusty library, studying. i wanted to quote the textbook for a second, because you'll see how frustrating studying microeconomics is, "from this point on, we shall simply assume that x(p,y) is differentiable whenever we need it to be" ehh .... okay?

the grace - neverending white lights (because while i played this song the sens scored twice in an attempted comeback)

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