i tried to skip class today, because i was so busy and needed to study a bit more for a mid-term today, but at 9.25 rejecting my opportunity cost calculations decided to throw on some jeans, throw my stuff in a bag and run out the door. i was there in 8 minutes. i realized i can probably count the number of classes i have missed over the past three years on one hand, and the number of days missed in highschool on the other hand. i have no idea why i do that to myself.
this past weekend i had a chance to listen to a presentation by
paul henderson, whom you could call a canadian hockey legend. i gathered so anyways after hearing a lot about him in highschool. i think people thought that if i was going to be living in Canada i should at least know his name. and of course he is hockey related, so i was not at all interested: but now i am. interestingly however is the fact that he came to speak to us about his experiences as a christian, and impart some advice to us youngsters. and i got a chance to take a picture with him:

anyways, i just came back from a midterm and handed in a paper, which in simpler terms means i am very tired. as such i can justify a nap very easily.
happy birthday andrea!
song: nelly furtado - say it right
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