I do remember that I promised a more detailed version of the Ottawa trip: well, Frouke met me in Hamilton at 9 am on Saturday, after which we left so we could get through toronto while half the city was still sleeping (kind of). It was a very relaxing drive, with lots of sun, coffee and little reading. Because we were not actually staying in the city, we drove right into what seemed like the boonies (wow, i dont even know if that is how it is spelled) to go to see Vanessa, Becky, Sam and their family. they were busy cooking up a storm for a charity dinner that we would be attending later that night. It was busy, but fun! Plus we got to meet a ton of new people, while constantly being reminded of which guys were single (thanks guys ;-)). After the dinner, around 11pm, we headed out to a birthday party, where interestingly most of the guys were wearing senators apparrel -> nice choice! Funny thing was someone's boyfriend (who shall remain nameless for reasons that will soon be apparent) was wearing his boxers a little too high for our taste. Well, actually, thats a lie the real problem was: they were Leafs boxers. And any sober-minded person should not be wearing those in public. I think he realized that pretty soon when we told him that he was asking for it. We had some people on our side that were not shy to pull a much feared wedgie. I know, pretty childish: but still pretty funny. It reminds me of this one time, when I just started highschool that one of my friends took me to the bathroom to explain to me what a wedgie was. That was back when I did not know a lot of words ... even though that is still a regular occurrence.
Anyways, on Sunday we went to church, which was slightly different than what i am used to, but really nice. On Monday, we got a tour of Kemptville College, went out for dinner, picked up some groceries and had a movie night! always good. On Tuesday we got up pretty early to go skating on the Rideau Canal. It was absolutely gorgeous, and brought back some fond memories of growing up on the canals in Holland. I really wish I had some pictures .. but alas, I don't. I can guarantee though that it was a rather interesting sight, because I can't skate very well. That was Tuesday already, which flew by with a large chinese buffet lunch, and a lot, and i mean a lot of Dutch Blitz. Then of course on wednesday it was, sadly enough, time to head home to Owen Sound. Now, since I had planned to move to Ottawa already the first year we lived in Canada, I realized that plan is not dead yet.
I was supposed to do a lot of studying at home, but that did not really happen. I did work on my poker skills a lot. And had lots of fun times with the family. And the dog. We made an interesting pair running up and down the mountains of snow on our yard. Sometimes I just miss those long coffee breaks with discussion about cows and the like, or going to town with mom, or having a meal together, or ... But I am kind of enjoying the freedom, and the girls, although I did wish we had a tractor to shovel that snow a little faster.
For the next three weeks, I know what I will be doing: 3 midterms and 3 research papers. not the most exciting prospect, but it could be worse as well, plus i have all my topics figured out:
paper 1: the establishment of the Bell Telephone Company and the divesture of the bell system.
paper 2: Personal Income Taxation of non-residence professional athletes: the NHL Player's Tax
paper 3: Influx of Silver and the Seventeenth Century Crisis in Europe
That should keep be me pretty busy for the next little while. I thinkI am hoping for a feezing rain day tomorrow, if not then I am hoping to get some tickets to see Paul Krugman speak tomorrow. Now, back to reading transcripts from some policy issues in the Canadian-American information sector conference from the 80's: it is quite interesting to read the jokes the Canadian presenters make of the Americans, and vice versa.
For a song selection i am going to have to go with Matchbox Twenty - Downfall. For some reason i always associate things and people with songs or smells. Well, this song makes me think of hockey, and my favourite player (who is apparently is a Matchbox Twenty fan) and thus I have declared it my 2006-2007 season song. It is not because of the lyrics, but now that I listen to it I guess it works a little bit: "I want you to be uneased, I want you to remember, I want you to believe in me, I want you on my side"
well then ... there was a little taste of my thought process.
so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night (anyone else still remember what that is from?)
That is an awesome picture!
I love the black and white shots. They're so dramatic and artsy, haha.
I know someone who says that so long, farewell, thing so once in a while... one of your old teachers. Am I right?
mmm ... now that i come to think of it, i know miss B says that sometimes. but i was more thinking about the Sound of Music - which is by far one of my favourite movies!
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