"do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
Romans 12:2
what an amazing weekend!
it had been a while since i had attended a studyweekend or a retreat, but am very glad i got dragged along this past weekend. it is like God knew exactly what i needed to hear.
well, God did know.
"He has showed you, o man, what is good. and what does the Lord require of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8
"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:6
the speeches were very good, and very interesting. i just want to talk a little bit about a few things mentioned in the second speech. being the history nerd i am, the mentioning of C.S. Lewis and the second world war, woke me right up. C.S. Lewis, an anglican professor in Britain, had the opportunity to preach in the anglican church in 1939, the year in which WW2 broke out in Europe. while British soldiers went to fight on European mainland, Christian students were left behind, with a sense of duty to follow their countrymen into battle. C.S. Lewis, however, while acknowledging this sense of duty reminded them that if all Christians would go out and fight battles, their places in society would be filled by non-Christians. nurses, teachers, businessmen, doctors would be replaced by non-christians; and a battle at home would be lost. hereby, C.S. Lewis encouraged Christians to fulfill their tasks in their daily work, and witness through that. so also, it is not expected for all of us to go out and fight the spiritual battle, or be the "flood" that goes through the cities of this world. for our daily activities are a witness to God's glory and a part of a battle we face day to day.
the discussions after the speeches were equally rewarding and i am wishing that i took detailed notes so i could share more of the message ... but i did not. just like i did not take pictures, because i left the camera in the car in the parking lot, which was a long distance from the cabins but on a happy note: the food was simply yummy! also, there were very few people that i knew, and thus very many to meet, and i think i talked to most people, at some point, even if it was in the bathroom, or in my sleep. one of the highlights would also be the game of soccer. being the true fan, that i am, playing in the snow would be a fun challenge. and as i spend more time on the ground than on my feet, i would definitely qualify it as a challenge, or myself as challenged.

on a hockey note: i may have to accept defeat, but just not yet. okay so i may not be the only feeling a little challenged, the sens are probably there with me on that note of a feeling. the defeat against the hurricanes and the capitals were both a bad dream, and i refuse to waste any more words on them. i can't help but love 'em though, and spezza did get one assist, that has to count for something.
other than that, please dont turn off your engines after the first period.
as we had compared hockey to the school season with games being tests and assignments, and the playoffs being the final exams, i am thinking that maybe i should start studying for that mid-term coming up, if i want to follow my own words, and keep my engines running ...
We can't accept defeat yet G, that's exactly what THEY want.
Clearly we need to go to Ottawa and sit in that bar again...except actually drink alcohol this team because if they do lose again, it won't seem as painful.
Oh G only you would.... and I love you for it! Good thing these goodlooking men could help you on your feet during that soccer game :)
Oh G only you would.... and I love you for it! Good thing these goodlooking men could help you on your feet during that soccer game :)
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