Wednesday, November 08, 2006

it's (not) just a game

allright then. i guess i should be happy because the thrashers fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the capitals fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the hurricanes fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the canadiens fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the bruins fans are happy. but i am not really feeling it. but then again it is just a game. or not? i can't really decide. am sure hoping that the above list does not get any longer.
and spezza, i am sorry, i did not really mean it.
note; we can all have a pretty bad case of pms. thus, gerber we understand.

:-) :-)
enough about hockey. went grocery shopping tonight. the fact that i had a car and did not have to carry all my purchases home made me feel better about the loss of $70. who knew toilet paper was really that expensive? well, i knew, but just did not want to know. but i got some coffee ;-)

for the upcoming weeks i have a midterm every monday, and an assignment due every thursday. and then final exams! well, i guess the only reason i can use an exclamation mark is because it ends another semester. plus i am done on the 16th, and am hoping to go to Ottawa for a few days, as well as Toronto.
the last few days i have been playing the same song for most of the day. but i did get some cleaning done, thanks to the tunes. in true G style, I have a song to last me for a week. last week it was Matchbox Twenty - Downfall. for this week, here is a little excerpt:
"Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me"

Note to self: have to try a little harder on essays to make that B an A.
If you are interested in some fascinating but heavy material: does God exist?
Considering my elementary blogging skills, i hope that link works.
now, back to studies on human capital and disease burdens

interesting: "John Strauss and Duncan Thomas found that taller men earn more money in Brazil, even after controlling for other important determinants such as education and experience. A 1% increase in height is associated with a 7% increase in wages in that middle-income country. In the United States, there is also an association, but a much smaller one, with a 1% increase in height associated with a 1% increase in wages. Moreover, shorter people are more likely to be unemployed altogether. Height reflects various benefits achieved early in life; thus one is not seeing just the impact of current income on current height. In particular, taller people receive significantly more eduction than shorter people."

1 comment:

Miss. Scarlett said...

I saw the coffee in the kitchen. It was the best thing I've set my eyes on today.

Except for you lovely housemates. Of course. ahem.

At least you're making an effort to be happy because other people are happy. I'm...not that nice.