Friday, December 21, 2007
horoscope horrors
"you will hear some good news today that may have to do with your recent hard work and success"
"today, you may be taking on far more responsibility than is yours to deal with. try to work at lightening your load"
"try to focus on the positive today and you may find yourself becoming happier with the present situation"
i say horoscope horrors because i am far from taking horoscopes to heart, but it is scary the day that grades come out that my horoscope suggests i will hear good news regarding what i have been working on, or that i am a good homemaker on the day that i spend cleaning the house, or that i know what i want while i was working on a job application for a job that i really want. craz-i-ness!
happy shortest day of the year (i know ... it is still 24 hours long) -> happy winter!
bok van blerk - delaray (below: i am always glad to share a history lesson)
and this commercial is so terribly cute/funny that i had to share it
-soccer kid-
Monday, December 17, 2007
instant coffee and little timbits here and there
and i have finally a few references lined up for this one job application. who ever knew that job applications and searching for suitable references would be so excruciating.
in the meantime though i am enjoying this snow and glad i can't leave the house to do anything, and just have to stay in and be a little lazy ... although i dont think i can stay away from the library too long, it is just time to read something i actually want to read. and the list of must read books is getting terribly long. in the meantime though: i am doing homework and thinking very hard about possible research topics for my modern japan history seminar, and my economics thesis. any thoughts for the second class?
ps. i hope alfonzo americano (or for short i decided to call him hugo) does not feel like i am cheating on him, now that i am home and using my parents (un)reliable and slow computer, which just happens to have the internet on it. and also ... it was nice to find that my parents had bought a bigger sreen tv so that watching hockey is instantly more enjoyable, but at the same time we lost a channel. so now we are down to 4. i am thinking that trip to the library is becoming very important soon.
Friday, December 14, 2007
world wide web
the news is not all bad ... dad is going to holland. and when he comes back treatment will begin. it won't be easy, but this place has a positive vibe. which is good, because in the next year i am planning to visit quite a few times. anyhow, i am logging off so my lil brother can play games on this thing, while i go searching or something else to read ... then, off to the airport.
logging off.
music for the trip home: westlife!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
punked out
but as always distractions are abundant. i did come across the definitions for the toronto maple leafs and the ottawa senators on urban dictionary dot com of which the majority have been written by leafs fans; entertaining nonetheless.
josh groban -awake
Sunday, December 09, 2007
red friday
"how good it was for me to suffer pain; So that in all Your statutes You might school me; The perfect law that You, O Lord ordain; Exceeds all earthly riches. Let it rule me!; Your ordinances are my greatest gain; For gold and silver can no longer fool me" (Psalm 119: 27 anglo-genevan psalter, revised version)
i received an e-mail in my inbox today, and as much as it may be a piece of propaganda, it cannot be far from the truth. i have been studying international economic organizations the last few days for an exam coming up tomorrow, and there is a lot to be questioned, but i support the men and women overseas nonetheless.
"You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt"

cold - can you feel it in your heart
Saturday, December 08, 2007
exam frenzy
altogether trying to bolster my spirits, remain hopeful, pray continually, and ... study hard:
exam status [1/3]
just came back from labour economics exam, and am glad to report it went relatively well. it was certainly nice to see the senators logo staring at me everytime i looked up, as some guy in front me had to wear his cap backwards: he is a smart man.
am now preparing for a monday morning exam: 3 essays in 3 hours. yikes.
some things change, but other things remain the same, so exam time has come around and the repeat function on my playlist is put to good use again: listening to josh groban - you're the only one & westlife - love crime: " know that for you to be here without me by your side it's a love crime"
where the first song is so terribly good, and the second one is so terribly catchy.
logging off in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Thursday, December 06, 2007
you're the only place - josh groban
to love somebody - damien rice and ray lamontagne
to leave it behind - the great lake swimmers
no words.
Monday, December 03, 2007
purposeful purposium

while i was reading the globe and mail from 1979, i came across this picture of levesque i believe. in its original context it was about the referendum on sovereignty, but i just tweaked it a tiny bit to show something a bit more current (ugly picture though ...)
if i had a camera i would have taken some pictures of the earrings i got from my not so secret santa. i am ecstatic about spending sometime away from studying and ... well, you know ... studying. but then there is always the little reminders about more important things in life.
i always joke a bit about my "purposes" and usefulness around here. but in the meantime i have been reading rick warren's "the purpose-driven life" and am glad to be assured that i have some definite purpose. this purpose is outlined under 5 headings: you were planned for God's pleasure, you were formed for God's family, you were created to become like Christ, you were shaped for serving God, you were made for a mission. enough purpose for me then.
Ephesians 1:11 - "in him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will."
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
not enough
"you have come to a sad realization. cancel or allow." allow.
coldplay - fix you
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
you can want
like: "PMS is taken by courts as a justification for crimes committed in the UK" - May 27, 1981.
of course i forgot to bring the battery charger for my laptop and had to come home ... i am never going to be ready for exams. at least i am the trainwreck that the economics department thinks i should be. i fit the profile: great.
maria mena - just hold me
gameday: sens vs. isles. i hope the fact that i was reading about the NY Islanders winning the Stanley Cup in 1981 will not have any bearing on tonight's game. although the sens could use some luck.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
oh dear!
this sucks.
music: none. only the sound of a fan and computers in the computer lab.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
good thing it could not ruin a good night though, which included taking in a performance by the trans-siberian orchestra at copps coliseum. seeing that i am a newbie at all things concert, i have some many questions and thoughts about the concert. i want to know things like whether or not the stage belongs to the band, what they do in the summer, whether or not they have health problems from being subjected to the lighting all the time, etc. but really, at some point i was sure that the guitarists were not actually playing because they were running up and down the stage, throwing their heads up and down and ... well everything else they do on guitar hero. it just seems so impossible to still be able to play so well and synchronized ....
i had a great time just watching the constructions in the air as part of the lightshow. or the the lightshow itself i am convinced would have to have been constructed by geniuses, with a lot of imagination, and taste for colour. i mean the constructions looked like spaceships in a sky filled with stars. cool!
altogether though it was such a good mix of funny, and touching. the narrative that played throughout the first half was the story of christmas eve. although it is too long to reiterate, there was a subtle message against terrorism. it was very touching that the narrator described the ruins in the middle east on christmas eve from which one chello played ... which then moved into one of greatest performances of carol of the bells.
this video is from this year's performance in pittsburgh, and was very similar to the one in hamilton. it includes parts of a number of songs, but was very entertaining:
i also really loved the drummer solo. like really really loved it. i mean, no one normal person should be able to move that fast ... no joke.
about halfway of the show, one of the lead guitarists? vocalists? ( i don't really know because they all look the same) came out wearing a leafs jersey, number 13 to be exact, and the ensuing ensemble of cheers and boos was quite funny. i think i performed my duty of boo-ing as loud as i could, while the guys in front of us looked back at the loud and mixed response of 6 girls behind them. we are a house divided.
allright these were just some of my thoughts about last night. would definitely recommend seeing it. to anyone.
remy zero - fair
tso - carol of the bells
ps. vote pizza line and volchenkov for the all-star game in atlanta.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
i dont know what you are talking about ...
it sounds like someone is being slaughtered downstairs, while i am listening to sil tu me amas - il divo. it adds a lot of drama, and i feel like a helpless bystander.
that someone - by the way - is the ottawa senators who are playing the buffalo sabres tonight, which is on tsn, and half the house is watching. i am missing it, but then maybe the memory will only be the sounds, not supplemented with video evidence. this way i can more easily pretend it never happened.
muse - sing for absolution
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
never take poli sci 3e03. love the class. hate the assignment.
i know nothing much about music and guitars. but i really like this.
i also have a quite well known affection for the numbers 9 and 19.
i copied this image from, which me quite happy for the aforementioned reason.
i was so bored at the library today, that i took a picture of the orange carpet at thode with my webcam. i got some funny looks of people as they walked by and saw themselves on my screen. hehe.
mark cohn - life goes on
Friday, November 16, 2007
"we learn from history that we learn nothing from history" george bernard shaw.
this is actually helpful now: realism or neorealism? realism. because mankind is not rational.
i dove into a pool of IR theories, and i think i am drowning because neorealism is really pulling me down.
i try. and now i am wondering if i am in the camp of meliorists or not at all.
yesterday's class of public expenditures began with this exact question: "how much are cows worth these days?" and then "does anyone here have any cows?" i especially enjoyed the guesstimations of the class, which then ensued in a discussion of "cow farms."
i maintain that everyone should vote for the NHL all star team, if only because a free subscription to XM satellite radio for a couple of weeks. i have been listening to starbucks fm cafe, and am enjoying the selection of music. i just thought of a nice formula to represent my utility levels for starbucks that includes some variable to subtract the fact it is american, but now i am thinking i dont want to embarass myself too much, or be so nerdy. already did? dang.
i love the fact that the station has a show called "the daily grind," very witty. now if only i could be productive i would be a happy camper.
the interview.
tom petty and the heartbreakers - i'm walkin'
mark cohn - life goes on
iron and wine - carried home
wilco - on and on and on
crowded house - four seasons in one day
shane nicholson - safe and sound
getting excited for battle of ontario round 4. go sens go.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
when it gets to you

warning: this is a random posting. i will not be held responsible for any utterings of sorts.
i blame facebook for making me think of "gesiena is ...." everytime i try to think of something to post.
yikes i just looked sideways and paul walker is seriously staring at me. i think i should consider readjusting the pictures on my wall again.
based on a discussion i had with a friend today i am really curious to know whether or not there are any cowboys in holland. i am thinking not.
and ... happy birthday julie!
Stars - HYMNE (vangelis)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
on a hockey note ...
"allright then. i guess i should be happy because the thrashers fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the capitals fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the hurricanes fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the canadiens fans are happy. i guess i should be happy because the bruins fans are happy. but i am not really feeling it. but then again it is just a game. or not? i can't really decide. am sure hoping that the above list does not get any longer."
i wrote this exactly one year ago, (when almost every post was about hockey) ... two things are for sure: 1. time flies. 2. time heals all wounds, because we all know in the end it was not so bad ... now why did i look this up? i am just a tad bitter about them losing today. even if i did not watch. or listen. or follow it.
whatever. i need to study.
sum 41 - with me
Monday, November 05, 2007
things that make you go "hmmm ... " [1]
Friday, November 02, 2007
sweetening my weekend

Friday, October 26, 2007
(now that i think of it, it should not really surprise anyone, especially when you realize that stephen harper, or peter george have economics degrees, and what do they get done? exactly.)
Go Sens Go (Hockey Night in Canada)
i have a few obsessions. and (rightly so) the sens are near the top of the list. oh and in line with my (strange) habit (disease?) of listening to the same song all day long here you have it for today:
(really too bad youtube does not have a repeat button .... or that i feel so guilty about downloading free music ... )
One Republic ft. Timbaland - I apologize
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
university 101: always carry an umbrella
- for long legs and being able to jump over or around puddles
- for ending class early so i have time to grab a cup of coffee between classes
- for discovering a subject that i really enjoy: intellectual property protection (i know!)
- for saying that i will go swimming, and then actually doing it
- music.
aqualung - something to believe in
Monday, October 15, 2007
i like ...
sooooo distracted.
measuring progress by word counts and nutrition by peanut butter and jam sandwiches, and sanity by the cups of coffee.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
where is my mind? in Funk-ytown
have been completely overwhelmed with schoolwork, and completely distracted by life. but had the chance to see the home opener of the hamilton bulldogs last night a la second row. it was a great game, and a nice ceremony, with the anthems performed by hamilton's own: brian melo. my throat is not feeling all that happy, but i love it when the crowd gets loud, so i do my part ... and more. funk alert!
back to my book report on Nature's Metropolis. fabulous book. too bad i need to go through it so many times that i will hate it when i am done.
a bit more catchy - special d.
and ... go sens go!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
study some more. and then repeat some more.
three days grace - wicked game
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
interesting development?
this is as much of a political rant i can get going:
although i hope dalton mcguinty does not get re-elected, there is one clear advantage he has over ... let's say, john tory: choice of hockey team. other than that there is nothing much to say about politics right now because at election time it seems that political affiliation is a commodity that can be bought and sold, and right: it isn't. so much for democracy. i think i am going to skip the election show and study tonight instead, while checking nhl scoresheets repeatedly.
blah ... i hate the smell of popcorn.
trans siberian orchestra - carol of the bells. i know it is early but could we not skip halloween altogether? but seriously: to go or not to go?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
at the next high school reunion ....
yeah. i have that kind of confidence.
this song has been in my head all day: andre hazes en gerard joling - blijf bij me, which instantly makes me think of this song: lange fraas en baas b - het land van.
while i was on the bus the other day, an older lady started talking to me about my t-shirt. i was wearing a "the doors" t-shirt, that i had once picked up at bluenotes for less than $5. she told me i had very good taste, and continued talking about the band, and how my parents must have been big fans. when i told her they were more into country, she shook her head, and applauded me for making much better choices .... thing is: i haven't listened to most of their music, and could not tell you one thing about the band. i was really sweating it for minute ... serves me right though, i suppose.
a friend of mine shared this with me. i love the part where luxembourg gets beat up. hmm .. i should really try to figure out how to paste the actual thing here, rather than link it. yeah ... about that.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
odds and ends
age: 21 years and two days and counting. i am so thankful for all the messages and e-mails-> and even more thankful for those 21 years of many many blessings.
i have a lot of readings to do, so i will have to pass on the marauders-geegees game today (which i had been wanting to attend), but i am sure i will find other ways to prohibit myself from having a particularly productive day.
officially, the 2007-2008 hockey season has begun 2 minutes ago, in london, england, and is actually aired on the cbc. too bad i still have to wait 4 days before i can get really excited about it (msg me if you are interested in joining for a "beginning of the season beer and pizza" part-ay) in the meantime there is lots of news and season previews on although i have to say there are none that i particularly like, but it is fun to re-live the exciting plays from last year anyways.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
"when you're not with us, we're blue, so blue, oh .. "
status: reading
lifehouse - storm
i've got more: just came across this article ``Gingers extinct in 100 years, scientists say`` an even more interesting development is the response: a facebook group `save the redhead breeding program`
oh dear ...
Monday, September 24, 2007
they're from the city. i am not. News How young people are being driven off the farm
i also looked for the new dairy farmers' commercial, aired on tv, but i can't find it online. but trust me, it definitely beats the milk rap, and the one where naked people were bathing in milk (i mean, water with dye).
can't afford to reminisce too much about this though, because i need to get back to reading about the city. interestingly though the course (called the North American City) attributes the existence and growth of the city to the country. take that you city folks!
peculiar farm fact: the farm. interestingy they were also called the "soul of socialism"
i am rooting for the peeps in plaid.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
high tide
"Mornings were frequently a challenge for Gesiena but by mid-day she was usually able to speak in full sentences. She did show some sparks of initiative, particularly at the end of the day, when she could clean her desk and exit the office faster than a civil servant with job security. If we had been organizing beer and wing parties instead of Coffee Breaks I believe we could have achieved unrivalled success."... and continues ...
Allright then,"I have no hesitation in recommending Gesiena for any position where dedication, hard work, attention to detail and the ability to excel at new tasks are not requirements. If you have no other suitable applicants I suppose you could do worse than hiring Gesiena. But I am not sure how."
9 days until 21
and preseason hockey season starts TONIGHT for the beloved Senators, in approximately 4 hours, while I will be reading, reading, highlighting, reading, and reading.
In the spirit of Hamilton, and music, I am listening to All I Ever Wanted - Brian Melo
Thursday, September 13, 2007
no breather
Friday, September 07, 2007
another summer come and gone
17 days until 21
23 days until TMLvsSEN
i posted a little bit at the beginning of the summer, after which i realized that the struggle with the internet and the computer was not at all worth it. but now i have my very own highspeed internet connection and my new computer (which still remains nameless)!
i could spend hours to explain what i did this summer, but really there would be nothing too exciting, as i spend the entire time working. no vacations, and only a few short trips. it was fantabulous nonetheless. i had the chance to spend a couple of weeks with my grandmother (oma) and cousins from holland, visit fathom five national park, camping at alconquin park, and tons of bonfires. photo evidence:
on the boat tour.

must ... have coffee ...

church picnic 2007. i must say when i had the chance to take on frouke, i prevailed. luckily no photo evidence exists.

hockey hall of fame, store. may? 2007. the bickering and violence never ends.
fall out boy - thanks for the memories
Sunday, July 22, 2007
having to share
Druppels van dauw - E. Griffioen-van Wuijkckhuijse
Nu is de wereld kostbaarder dan ooit
Ik blijf verwonders voor het venster dralen:
vannacht zijn druppels dauw als zilv'ren kralen
met gulle handen in mijn tuin gestrooid.
Dit wonder kan allen maar zijn bedacht
door God, die mij met kleine zegeningen
wijst op de troost dat vaak de mooiste dingen
onstaan zijn uit het duister van de nacht.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
happy birthday canada!
as for canada day itself, i watched some 5 minutes of the tribute to princess diana show, only to decide it was a bit too much for me. no other patriotic activities planned on this front. interestingly hearing the canadian anthem, is for me, directly associated with hockey. specifically the playoffs. and even more specifically the finals. funny how that works. i have been trying to put together a team for a ball hockey tournament, but am running in some trouble getting a whole team, without leaving anyone feeling left out.
hmmm ... yay to our new pool. it is not too luxurious, but most definitely nice for a dive after work. altogether though, i am just looking forward to go back to school ... i think. although i am enjoying work very muchly, i just get antsy to finish up. i mean one more year left, it is just too good to be true!
finger eleven-falling on
Sunday, June 24, 2007
opnieuw terug van weggeweest

Monday, May 28, 2007
brief smoke signals
life has been as adventurous as unadventurous. the ottawa senators made it to the stanley cup finals, and the first game against the anaheim ducks is tonight. strangely i don't think i really care very much about how they do, because so far it has been an excellent journey! although i am hoping to see getzlaf square off against spezza. the game starts in about an hour, and i am pretty sure i am going to try to be smart and get to bed early for a 4.30am awakening, as i have to leave for work before 5am.
as for work it has been as interesting as it has been uninteresting. part of me really hates it, while the other part actually kind of likes it. i can't make up my mind about it, and it is really confusing.
anyways, i was not planning to write too much, and am going to do some research on barbeques as we still have to get one for mom for her birthday, which is tomorrow. eek! i am off to paint my nails. red.
westlife -soledad
Monday, May 07, 2007
that IS the way (i like it): hockey night in canada and the adventures of mr. storkbat, cornpuff and alfie jr.

Monday, April 30, 2007
adventures of cornpuff, mr. storkbat & alfonzo (2)
summer tune: DJ Tiesto - Close to You
Thursday, April 26, 2007
adventures of cornpuff, mr. storkbat & alfonzo

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
done'r and goner
now i can no longer hide behind textbooks and have to face the real world for some 4 months. i have free time, and already don't know what to do with it. why is it so much easier to waste time when you dont have it? no fair.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
status: really trying to be nice
in light of all this studying cornpuff, mr. storkbat and myself have resorted to youtube for some comic relief. and the following (familiar) three have come out as winners:
Raj Binder with NHL Playoff Predictions - love the hamilton and ottawa comments
Raj Binder and the Ottawa Senators - "the stanley cup ... or the protective cup"
Raj Binder at the NBA All Star Game - "do you wish you had gone to college?"
april 24: today i have been in Canada for exactly 7 years. usually this is cause for celebration with the family ... but i am still writing exams. i can't help but wonder though, where have those years gone? eek! one thing is for sure: it has been sufficient to "canadianize" me to some extent. that being evident in my love for cereal and hockey
april 24: elaine's birthday! i would teach the penguins a little dance for her. such as the golddigger (G-style), but i think they are still hungover.
april 24: also the birthday of William I of Orange, Alan Eagleson (punch him ... please), Barbra Streisand, and Kelly Clarkson.
april 24: the day the Greeks enter Troy using the Trojan Horse (1184 BC)
after 3 cups of coffee, and a million bathroom breaks i really must be stuyding. plus really likes it when people buy me donuts.
ik wil alleen maar zwemmen
seriously. is it thursday yet?
listening to: westlife - butterfly kisses, and some "thrashy euro music" by armin van buuren.
Friday, April 20, 2007
whoop-di-doo ...

4 wins down ... 12 wins to go! thanks to them boys for making me and alfie jr. ve-e-ery happy.
and especially after a pretty good exam today, and gorgeous weather i am ready for some more studying and then SUMMERRRRRRR!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
"that's the way (i like it)"
song: it's not over - chris daughtry
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
practice to win
just had a ball of fun at home this past weekend, and brushed up on my soccer and basketball skills, and even got some time to practice my street hockey ball control skills with the dog ... all that during a white easter. i also got a haircut, watched some hockey night in canada, played poker and had some interested and less than mature conversations.
the best comment i heard though, "this snow is completely useless, just like the toronto maple leafs." now that's the spirit!
btw this is the font that i fell in love with, and now i am going to type up some more studynotes, listen to some more boyband tunes, and daydream a little more.
studytune: brian mcfadden and delta goodrem - almost here (this falls in line with my preference for male/female duets ;-) )
Friday, April 06, 2007
good friday reflections
Although we can realize the truth and comfort of this every day, there is always emotions of great joy and shame on Good Friday. especially shame for not taking the opportunity to share this joy with others every day, in that light i just wanted to share the following passage from Luke 23:
"As they led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Then " 'they will say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!" 'For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One." The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar and said, "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last."
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
flying high
for the more frustrating part: all i can say about my current status is that it is a large, juicy, sweet and sour pickle. i have no idea what i will be doing in a month, and am not really getting anywhere in the decision-making process. but i wont be taking a history seminar in the summer, as the random-like allotment system did not work in my favour, so now i am trying to put my economics skills to the test in a cost-benefit analysis of the situation. plus i am trying my hardest to find a job, either here or in owen sound, which is turning out to be harder than it should be. i think altogether that leaves me praying for a solution, and wishing i could go home to consult the parent-unit. almost easter!
in the meantime i am making a sincere effort to study for exams, while also wasting my time on facebook and other internet venues that have little or no value to my education or general well-being. oh well. i did end up listening to the westlife rendition of "total eclipse of the heart" which gives me a whole new appreciation for the 80's. i mean that was a great decade. and also in the spirit of boybands i have to share that mark (for those who followed the above link: the third one from the left, with the shirt/sweater combination) is very handsome! he has very nice features ;-)

oh! must mention about the weekend! frouke, my (maybe not so) lil' sis came to visit me, which was a perfect excuse for the b-clayans of this world to go out. even though we were surrrounded by a much too large number of leafs fans who were ready to eat their plates or something ... it was bunches of fun! anyways toronto won (so no plates were eaten), ottawa won, it's all good. and i will be practicing my pool skills so next time my team can turn out as winners as well.

anyways, i should be getting the laundry out of the dryer, before it burns. because i think that is possible. and i cant risk losing the vanilla smell from my clean laundry ...
i shall study. and listen to more of the same song. and update this blog more often, with hopefully some substance of thought ... or thoughts of substance? and in the spirit of the near end of the hockey season: Go Sens Go.
tuesday tune: james morrison - the pieces don't fit anymore
Monday, March 26, 2007
when the sun comes through
back to work and then maybe treat myself to TCBY? probably.
essaying tune on a not so lonely day: the great lake swimmers - to leave it behind
Saturday, March 24, 2007
call me crazy ... call me what you will: just call me
i did realize this weekend i am going to have to work on my comebacks so i can win the next insult-off from jax she pretty much silenced me last night. and then she thinks i will miss her ... pffff ... sheesh. crazy girl that one. well maybe i dont do canadian beer very well, that could be it. blame canada: always blame canada.
must do work. must ... and she collapses on her computer, only to wake up right in time for church the next morning. actually my room is small enough that if i fall backwards i end up on my bed: so backwards it is!
sing-a-long song for a-lone-some-ness like times: kt tunstall - other side of the world
"over the sea and far away
whe is waiting like an iceberg
waiting to change,
but she's cold inside
he wants to be like
the water,
all the muscles tighten in her face
buries her soul in one embrace
they're one and the same
just like water"
sweet, popsicle sweet, dreams!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
in the meantime (bear with me here) i am intrigued by the new playoff campaign:

i realize we are a biological mistake ... but one day we will take over the world. trust me.
essaying tune: landing in london - 3 doors down
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
blog up the bog down
four papers and two midterms in less than two weeks
talk to you after that :D
in hockey news - alfonzo will officially take over chanting duties for the time being: GO SENS GO!

Friday, March 09, 2007
new companion
on a slanted sidenote: after a 5-1 victory over the leafs last night ... it dawned upon me how much i enjoy the extreme happiness after smoking leafs. i just hope that i, and they (our boys), can keep their heads clear after the joyous occassion.
does that count as an addiction? am i addicted?
i better get some coffee now, pack my bags and get ready for a weekend in the OS
as for my weekend tunes: carlos - silmarillia 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
replay in slow motion?
this past weekend i had a chance to listen to a presentation by paul henderson, whom you could call a canadian hockey legend. i gathered so anyways after hearing a lot about him in highschool. i think people thought that if i was going to be living in Canada i should at least know his name. and of course he is hockey related, so i was not at all interested: but now i am. interestingly however is the fact that he came to speak to us about his experiences as a christian, and impart some advice to us youngsters. and i got a chance to take a picture with him:

happy birthday andrea!
song: nelly furtado - say it right
Thursday, March 01, 2007
sleepwalking through the rain

I do remember that I promised a more detailed version of the Ottawa trip: well, Frouke met me in Hamilton at 9 am on Saturday, after which we left so we could get through toronto while half the city was still sleeping (kind of). It was a very relaxing drive, with lots of sun, coffee and little reading. Because we were not actually staying in the city, we drove right into what seemed like the boonies (wow, i dont even know if that is how it is spelled) to go to see Vanessa, Becky, Sam and their family. they were busy cooking up a storm for a charity dinner that we would be attending later that night. It was busy, but fun! Plus we got to meet a ton of new people, while constantly being reminded of which guys were single (thanks guys ;-)). After the dinner, around 11pm, we headed out to a birthday party, where interestingly most of the guys were wearing senators apparrel -> nice choice! Funny thing was someone's boyfriend (who shall remain nameless for reasons that will soon be apparent) was wearing his boxers a little too high for our taste. Well, actually, thats a lie the real problem was: they were Leafs boxers. And any sober-minded person should not be wearing those in public. I think he realized that pretty soon when we told him that he was asking for it. We had some people on our side that were not shy to pull a much feared wedgie. I know, pretty childish: but still pretty funny. It reminds me of this one time, when I just started highschool that one of my friends took me to the bathroom to explain to me what a wedgie was. That was back when I did not know a lot of words ... even though that is still a regular occurrence.
Anyways, on Sunday we went to church, which was slightly different than what i am used to, but really nice. On Monday, we got a tour of Kemptville College, went out for dinner, picked up some groceries and had a movie night! always good. On Tuesday we got up pretty early to go skating on the Rideau Canal. It was absolutely gorgeous, and brought back some fond memories of growing up on the canals in Holland. I really wish I had some pictures .. but alas, I don't. I can guarantee though that it was a rather interesting sight, because I can't skate very well. That was Tuesday already, which flew by with a large chinese buffet lunch, and a lot, and i mean a lot of Dutch Blitz. Then of course on wednesday it was, sadly enough, time to head home to Owen Sound. Now, since I had planned to move to Ottawa already the first year we lived in Canada, I realized that plan is not dead yet.
I was supposed to do a lot of studying at home, but that did not really happen. I did work on my poker skills a lot. And had lots of fun times with the family. And the dog. We made an interesting pair running up and down the mountains of snow on our yard. Sometimes I just miss those long coffee breaks with discussion about cows and the like, or going to town with mom, or having a meal together, or ... But I am kind of enjoying the freedom, and the girls, although I did wish we had a tractor to shovel that snow a little faster.
For the next three weeks, I know what I will be doing: 3 midterms and 3 research papers. not the most exciting prospect, but it could be worse as well, plus i have all my topics figured out:
paper 1: the establishment of the Bell Telephone Company and the divesture of the bell system.
paper 2: Personal Income Taxation of non-residence professional athletes: the NHL Player's Tax
paper 3: Influx of Silver and the Seventeenth Century Crisis in Europe
That should keep be me pretty busy for the next little while. I thinkI am hoping for a feezing rain day tomorrow, if not then I am hoping to get some tickets to see Paul Krugman speak tomorrow. Now, back to reading transcripts from some policy issues in the Canadian-American information sector conference from the 80's: it is quite interesting to read the jokes the Canadian presenters make of the Americans, and vice versa.
For a song selection i am going to have to go with Matchbox Twenty - Downfall. For some reason i always associate things and people with songs or smells. Well, this song makes me think of hockey, and my favourite player (who is apparently is a Matchbox Twenty fan) and thus I have declared it my 2006-2007 season song. It is not because of the lyrics, but now that I listen to it I guess it works a little bit: "I want you to be uneased, I want you to remember, I want you to believe in me, I want you on my side"
well then ... there was a little taste of my thought process.
so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night (anyone else still remember what that is from?)
Monday, February 26, 2007
terug van weggeweest
Spend a few days in Ottawa and a few days in Owen Sound this past week. And experienced almost every type of weather on the way back to Hamilton this past Sunday. I was wow-ed by the amount of snow there was back home, and had a super fantastic time in Ottawa. the last part just makes me anxious to finish school … and move. maybe? It was also the first time I tried skating in a while, on the Rideau Canal, and even if I was not very good, it was the ultimate Canadian experience for a Dutch(wo)man. + think beaver tails. Talking about Canadian – Dutch experiences: I thought this article was pretty cool:
across the pond
with the current exam schedule for this semester: it looks like I will be here until the bitter end; the 25th. a more detailed update to come later
week theme song: nowhere with you - joel plaskett (as a tribute to my sisters :-) )
Monday, February 12, 2007
looking from the outside in: or inside out?
counting down to reading week and done midterms for a (short) while: in the meantime hoping for some creative energy to get this paper done ... ok go, here it goes again ;-)
learning to run up the stairs with a full glass of water without spilling. it is a learning process, and i apologize to the housemates for wet socks ... right now i am simply intrigued by the sounds of icecubes in a glass of water, while enjoying a lifehouse marathon, and wondering how i can become more productive, why google hates me, and how many calories i lose from running up and down the stairs when answering the phone ... so many thoughts, yet so few apply to this paper i should be working on. love it. for now.
song: chris daughtry - it's not over (i think the only reason he is good because he did not win american idol ... he is so much better off now)
Friday, February 09, 2007
necessity and sufficiency?

it was absolutely gorgeous outside today. i was also pretty restless - something that was easily attacked by vigoursly cleaning the kitchen this afternoon. then i 'rewarded' myself with a new episode of supernatural, and got some study time in. now i am pondering religious intolerance in europe and the ottoman empire and thinking of running for some strange reason. pretty sad situation for a friday night. no excuses.
"and where the answers won't come around i blame myself for being me again"
song: di-rect ft. wibi soejardi - blind for you (if only for the piano play)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
not my kind of pie
what is a crusting sleeve? whatever happened to putting stuff in the mircowave and pressing start?
i ought not to be worried. i think i am not worried. but i am fooling myself thinking that. because in actuality i am. it makes me think of this disney computer game we got for free with some sort of cereal: it is with these lion king character timon and pumba? i am not sure what they are called (and i am too lazy to google it) but anyways, there is this point in the game where you have to get across the river by jumping logs, and the character goes "decisions, decisions ..." now i wish i could say that i can't really identify with disney characters, but i can. i can't decide. i mean, from buying shoes, to ordering dinner, to guessing on M/C tests, to what to do this summer, to what to do with my life. ugh. and then i'd like to think it would be nice to have all the answers ... but then i am sure that would not make me much happier either. and then it comes down to trust and faith, which is never easy. interestingly i am probably the 6 billionth person to think this today, and many more billionth in history. i guess sometimes it just helps to articulate stuff. interesting trend is that this thought only comes up after i want to kick myself ... after writing some sort of test or midterm. talk about confidence eh?

i was looking for a picture to break up all this text for a bit: and came across this pic that i "stole" -> it is from the war museum ... and speaks to me like this: "toughen up, G, toughen up"
in the meantime there are many little things that make life so good. like wearing a clean sweater washed with my new laundry soap. i am smelling gorgeous ... even if i am the only person thinking so. hey, there is something about vanilla that just soothes the soul: think here coffee with french vanilla cream as well. i am also feeling a little lost, as i signed up to clean the kictchen rather than the bathroom for this week ... interesting how that throws me off eh? in the meantime i will try not to worry about the playoff status of my favourite hockey team. i realize that i may have made some enemies in the house with my obsessive cheering and loud bashing of this "other team," but i just want the world (or small blog audience) to know that i feel privileged to cheer for the greatest team in the league and that no matter how big the suck/rock factor is in the season: i am still loving it! [wow] ... so mushy ... maybe i really did fall in love or am thinking slightly incoherent because of the amount of coffee i have consumed in a short span of time. [wow] i better stop rambling before i regret something ... thankfully there is always the edit function .. if only everything in life had an edit function. except for maybe not.
so indecisive!
(note: descision trees are not an option, and never the solution)
song: DJ Tiesto - Just Be AND Just Keep Dreaming
Sunday, February 04, 2007
a world of difference
frouke, gertine and myself braved the bad weather to come down to hamilton, so i could go back to class tomorrow. now, in itself i would have rather stayed, but exams and assignments dictate otherwise. church was cancelled for the afternoon which signals the extent of the bad weather, and as expected for the first 50km we could see less than a meter in front of us, and the rest was just an endless array of whiteness. but of course, as we come south there is next to no snow, and i have relearned the definition of winter ... and we dont have it in hamilton. except for cold of course .. which now is where it should be: outside of our walls.
and ... this time a real good drumroll please ... the heat is back! a whopping 21C. which makes me very happy, after a humbling experience, i wont be taking heat for granted again. plus i got the battery for the computer fixed, so this week will be much better than last if only for warmth and limited computer problems. i am also very excited for my laundry soap. i realize i must sound pretty crazy like it, but it is vanilla and waterlily, and it smells soooo good!! little things in life.
too bad ottawa lost to toronto in a shootout this weekend though. which has been nicely rubbed into my face this weekend by my so-called friends. i did for a moment think it was not really fair to put the pressure on my favourite J-man to win the game, but then again it was just a game. and shootouts in my opinion are not really a game ... more like an expensive way to flip a coin. either way, congrats to those who care.
song: "Ik ben boer Harms en kom uut Drent' en ik hou van disco Ik weet het is nie te geleuven moar het is zo Als ik die disco heur dan tril ik op mien benen ..." - nothing beats these kind of songs
Saturday, February 03, 2007
home sweet home

what i thought was a white winter in hamilton, is pretty sad in comparison to the snow overload here in owen sound ... it is so beautiful! even if it means that with the expected snow i might not be able to drive back on sunday .... to be honest though i am not very excited to have to think of the realities of schoolwork and heating problems? I will have to pass on the family trip to harrison park because i have quite a bit of work to do, and i figure that way i can take my little brother to hockey practice tonight ... even if that means i have to miss out on HNiC. i think that that would be a good thing ... for my nails anyways.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
how low can you go
9 pm update: i bet that if i cried right now my tears would come out frozen ... like hail i guess. but i think i figured out what is wrong with the heater, now if only we had the tools, read screwdrivers here, to fix it. and some knowledge of electricity and gas would be useful too ... but knowing my luck i would blow up the house before i even figured out what was really going on ... so maybe i will just keep to the books .. or owner's manual in this case.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
bleeding hands
right now it is 14C in my room according to the winnie the pooh thermometer in my room .. now i am not sure how credible anything by winnie the pooh is, but either way it is pretty cold in here. i know the entire house is pretty cold, the heater is broken, the landlord does not seem to care much, but when i came home this aft and opened my door, there was this cloud? of cold coming out of it, i think i could make a claim for the coldest room in the house. in any case ... makes you stronger right?
anyways, tonight i will be going to some economics careers night, which will probably have a great impact on my perception of the field in terms of my future, and so i am pretty excited, or worried? plus there will be free pizza, which is always a bonus. but for the couple of hours before that i will get some studying done, read up on some hockey news, and look up the new episode of prison break. hey, in my defense it is a good alternative to 24h of csi miami.
where is google when you need it? or don't need it ... maybe it is a message to have me do something productive.
song: di-rect - good thing AND eric prydz vs. floyd - proper education
Friday, January 26, 2007
to be a child again
and ... drumroll please ... the heat is back on!
song: katie melua - nine million bicycles
smart one
but as per usual it has been pretty busy, although not busy enough to warrant me weriting three posts a day. i thought right now i could straigthen my hair and update my blog at the same time .. it is not really working though. but leaving my straightener on for an extended period of time does have the positive effect of heating up my room a little bit .. which at 16C with a shitty furnace is always welcome. despite the cold i am glad winter is back, and the snow just makes the whole world look better. although i may not have that same opinion after i actually wipe out on the sidewalk. it was pretty close today, when i was so smart as to wear sneakers to school. but the slipping and sliding on the way home did bring back fond memories of ottawa and the holidays .. so it was not all bad.
i really have a lot of reading to do, but you can only take so much theory and discussion of religious tolerance in the ottomon empire ... i think that will be the reading theme for this weekend. at least i have the hockey game to look forward to tomorrow, especially as my favourites will be back.
this past week has been pretty fun ... mostly leading up to the belated birthday/all star party for jax, sherry and cindy. as much as we try to keep secrets from each other, it is pretty hard, plus after a week of lying information does not match up very well anymore. but i think altogether it was pretty successful .. except for the west winning the game of course. interestingly people like bringing over a lot of alcohol ... only thing is we dont drink much, in the end we have a cupboard full of drinks ... i guess for a rainy day? or for a day like today when the furnace is failing to keep up warm and we need to look for other sources of heat.
better get back to studying for a couple of hours, and then EM! should be good.
song: racoon - love you more (especially like this version)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
lonely no more
Monday, January 15, 2007
ode to snow
song: set the fire to the third bar - snow patrol ft. martha wainwright (again).
Friday, January 12, 2007
in the groove
- have been listening to the same song(s) for the last two days
- back to tracking hockey, while studying (and suprisingly it has been effective)
- i tried to deny it, but i really miss him
- back to one cup of coffee a day
- obsessive need to clean and keep up with laundry
- and reading without actually reading
- only takes me about half an hour a day to go through my favourites list to check all "important" websites and blogs
- oh .. and i bought more bran flakes after i thought i could live on corn bran squares; i am back to the old stuff (that's what i call loyalty)
- appreciating mcmaster for two-ply toiletpaper and foamy soap
- and most importantly writing useless blog entries
- mood: mellow
song: make this go on forever - snow patrol (and interestingly i do .. with the repeat button)
although i already knew this; the 'ephiphany' translates into renewed energy to work hard and as such i am very excited
tomorrow: hockey day in canada!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
upside down

after a 2-0 lead by the boston bruins i was sure that all was lost on the eastern front. i figured that as soon as i felt a bit confident about a playoff position for ottawa i would be disappointed (again) ... but then someone lit a rocket called the ottawa senators. and 5 goals followed.
Team 1200 - 3 stars:
3. Tim Thomas
2. Mike Comrie (the new guy)
1. Dany Heatley
Hardest working senators : Chris Phillips
Honourable mention: Anton Volchenkov (for blocked shots)
All-Star Starting Roster is out - and no rory.
i finally made a decision on the courses i want to take. now that is all figured out, it is time to get all my textbooks in order .... and get crack-i-lackin. well slackin' has been the word of the year, but like the senators i got some fire under my study rocket.
cheers to reaching my goal for marks last semester (finally i have them all)!
cheers to a senators win over the bruins!
cheers to mom and dad's anniversary tomorrow!
double cheers to SNOW!!!!!!!!!
song: solarstone vs. sirocco - destination
Monday, January 08, 2007
what is it good for?
Sunday, January 07, 2007
new kid on the block

i have not updated much lately on hockey. probably a relief to some people, but here are some scores in the new year:
2-3 OTL against Atlanta Thrashers
6-3 W from Buffalo Sabres
2-3 L against New Jersey Devils (or Brodeur)
6-1 W from Philadephia Flyers
a good start? i am not sure. i hope it is good enough for a playoff spot.
oh and be on the lookout for my edition of 100 reasons why the sens are better than the lea(ve)s. note though that i have given myself a 4 month timeframe to complete this list ... and any help is always welcome!
anyways tomorrow i have early class so i wil make it an early night, for as much as that is still possible.
Monday - starting at 9.3o, where every line represents an hour:
oh and with regard to new kids on the block: a huge welcome to anna! you are adding to the cool (note here: top floor cool only). as for some other happenings: finally watched Mighty Ducks 3 on the weekend. and continued my search for the hat i want. i really am a woman on a mission as i have gone from store to store to store to toronto to ottawa to barrie to owen sound to hamilton. no luck so far, but i am hopeful.
song: new kids on the block -- new kids on the block. although i have never heard this song, or this band i figured it'd fit well with today's marginal theme. thanks for understanding.